I set out to make this series because I was interested in what happens when human beings set their minds to controlling water. Most towns in my area have small spillways where man, for a variety of reasons, has attempted to hold back the flow of streams. The water, in response, seeps, oozes, flows, gushes, to counter man’s attempts, and the results are myriad. Rocks erode, algae forms, water plummets, and abstract designs appear. It is a synergy that I find endlessly interesting.

Spillway #2

Spillways, Study #2


Spillways #25

Spillways, Study #25


Spillway #7

Spillways, Study #7


Spillway #19

Spillways, Study #19


Spillway #17

Spillways, Study #17


Spillways #20

Spillways, Study #20


Spillway #10

Spillways, Study #10


Spillway #8

Spillways, Study #8


Spillway #11

Spillways, Study #11